Sunday, April 21, 2013


  Because VDD is a legal and honorable end-of-life option,
we do not need to keep secret our chosen pathway towards death. 
We should tell everyone who cares about us
that we are now proceeding with our plans for death by dehydration. 
There will be a variety of responses from the people who know us.
And we will consider reasonable requests to postpone our deaths.
But if we are making wise end-of-life plans,
most reasonable people will be supportive.


  1. Dear God in Heaven and Dal, if this is what you are thinking for you.... I can't devalue your opinion or you, I'm just praying hard you won't dehydrate or otherwise demise. I really care about you as a friend and yet, other than words of concern and love, I don't have that tangible, necessary earthly support you need to get through these rough tough times you are experiencing.

    I also DO NOT know how I personally feel or think about "Right to Die" for myself if/when I may be caught in a terminal illness. It was absolutely agonizing that cancer that took my husband away. He lived it, until his body said he couldn't and died.

    We've both had a lot of agony in our lives and probably some fabulous times of joy also. I sense that both of us have been blown right down to the foundations/core of our beings exploded so many times and we've always got up, began again. I think this is what makes me feel like a sister of the heart to you.

    As a sister of the heart, I need to love you as you are, respect your beliefs even when I'm not really sure about all of it. It makes me feel a 'torn up' inside. It does not make me uncaring.

    Love you very much...we need to keep in touch. ~ Kaye

    1. well to wake up after such battle and be given no choices, well what is left? been here 29 yrs, and now to the point i spend lots days in bed., can't pay taxes and payments she demands.
      liver's bout ready anyways from the hep C, no body fat to live on and no future to even look forward to and i sure don't wanna be in a "home"… i so choose to go before that even happens.

      my sprit to fight is so crushed and the stress alone will do me in prob.

      sorry bout all this but home can't even be sold due to back taxes has to be paid. if was then i could do the life estate till i pass could live in home.

      don't even have a clue now so i just give up, waiting to see atty and tell me how long this will all take.
      best i can do in such small isolated desert community with such few resources and no transportation.

      its all up the the Man UPSTAIRS now, i give up

    2. Dal, One understanding I do have is how hard it is to 'put up that fight' to survive under extreme adverse circumstances. (Even being able to get up after every knockdown and begin again.) One feels like there is only so much fight left in them because so much life force and energy ~ physical, spiritual, mental, emotional has been sucked away.

      I keep 'giving up' too. Giving up your situation the the LORD and praying the right resources for you to sustain will happen. That's been 'my surrender'. Dal, just know that heartfully you are very loved and cared about by me.

    3. YES i know, up to HIM, i did email Hospice today and see what they say. i did sign up over a yr ago so wanna make sure i'm still there incase.
      all depends what atty says also.

      feel free to email me Kay. BLESS YOU
