Thursday, November 14, 2013

Have MERCY Lord....

Can't hang on thru much more of this crap! With roof leaking, no heat except by wood, now hot water heaters goin out, and fridge is next, washers need replaced for drips around and in just over 2 yrs loose place to state for back taxes.. and you all want me to HANG IN HERE???? shaken head.
sucks that hospice won't help w/right to die w/dignity act. On my own i see so who heck knows, just a matter of time. there is no life here and getting worse by days, not to mention healths worse...

HAVE MERCY Father take me home!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Bucket list wish...

Wish I had time on Ancestry..
why i don't know, just like to view more about the family left unknown, by an unwanted child who ran away way too young.
oh well.... don't really matter now

Monday, November 4, 2013

Lord deal me the "ESCAPE" card...

Well it's said YOU never put more on anyone than they can handle... well i've been thru so much crap in life i'm bout at my wits end.
bounce back every time with YOUR help, but things looking pretty bad still, everything wearing out around me and really getting bad to deal with, little on function, now with the water heater join out, along with the roof leaks, the ruins n junk and facing loosen for back taxes soon, its really taken it's toll on me. 

haven't felt well all week due to infected gums, which i have no coverage for, and my healths so weak that i really could stand to get delt the "ESCAPE" card.

no life here to be pleased about, and not useful or needed and takin up space. I'm tired, worn out from such awful battles in life i need to "escape" but hope its for the final round.